Thursday, 3 October 2019

*Gandhi, as a Political leader, has failed - Subhash Chandra Bose*

Part - One

It may sound ludicrous although it is not at all far from the truth that Gandhi was no doubt the most failed politician of our nation. Many of his contemporaries have described him as such. Ambedkar is one of such staunch crtitic. But it is more surprising that the same admonition comes from a man none other than Shri Subhash Chandra Bose. Shri Subhash Chandra Bose, one of the greatest freedom fighters of all times, who having been expelled from Congress Presidency for six years and many times insulted by Gandhiji and Congies, has criticized Gandhi's political career in harsh words.While appreciating some positive aspects of Gandhian leadership, Subhash was also critical of some negative aspects of Gandhiji's stewardship.Although he revered Gandhiji as Mahatma and Father of Nation too, his criticism was so sharp that he he called *Gandhi a complete political misfit.* In his famous autobiography titled *"The Indian Struggle -1920-1942* published by Asia Publishing House, Mumbai in 1964, he vehemently declared Gandhi as a lunatic. Chapter 16 of the book deals with the title *"The Role of Mahatma Gandhi in Indian History*" wherein he has vividly contemplated on the political ideas of Gandhi. In his own words...

*"Born in another country he might have been a complete misfit. What, for instance, would he have done in a country like like Russia or Germany or Italy. His doctrine of non-violence would have led him to the cross or to the mental hospital."*

Page no. 292 - ibid...

*Gandhi - a failed politician*

Subhash Bose has sternly criticised Gandhi as a failed politician. On sudden suspension of Civil Disobedience Movement by Gandhiji, Subhash retorts..

*“The events of the last thirteen years have demonstrated that a political warfare based on the principle of maximum suffering for ourselves and minimum suffering for our opponents cannot possibly lead to success. It is futile to expect that we can ever bring about a change of heart in our rulers merely through our own suffering and by trying to love them. And the latest action of Mahatma Gandhi in suspending the Civil Disobedience Movement is a confession of failure as far as the present method of the Congress is concerned. We are clearly of the opinion that as a political leader Mahatma Gandhi has failed. The Time has therefore, come for a radical reorganisation of the Congress on anew principle and with a new method.*

Page no. 357 - The Indian Struggle - 1920-1942

Subhash had his first meeting with Mahatma Gandhi on July 16th,1921, at Mani Bhavan in Bombay. He asked a number of questions regarding the non-cooperation movement of Gandhiji. Subhash did not feel satisfied with the replies of Gandhiji. He felt that there was a deplorable lack of clarity in the plan which Gandhiji had formulated.  Gandhiji himself did not have a clear idea of the successive stages of the campaign which would bring India to him cherished goal of freedom. The sudden suspension of Non-cooperation movement by Gandhiji in February 1922 also led Subhash to put following resentment

*"To sound the order of retreat just when public enthusiasm was reaching the boiling point was nothing short of a national calamity".*

Ibid - page no. 69-74

Subhash Bose again quoted Bar. Chittaranjan R. Das as saying that

*"the Mahatma opens a campaign in a brilliant fashion, he works it up with skill, he moves from success to success till he reaches the zenith of his campaign but after that he loses his nerve and begins to falter."*

Ibid - page no. 70

Subhash Bose attributed the failure of non-cooperation to Gandhiji's faulty strategy. He said that

*"The promise of Swaraj within one year was not only unwise but childish."*

Remaining criticism we shall see in next article.

Till then, stay tuned...

पाखण्ड खण्डिणी


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